Wednesday, September 16, 2020



Dalida Kozlic

Lawyer at Attorney's Office
Animal rescuer and animal rights advocate
My dearest friends,
It has been tough period for us and we are still struggling a lot. Uncertainty is awful and we haven't managed to stabilse the situation yet. However thanks to you good people, we do our best for our rescues 💙
The main reason for such desperate situation is the crisis with coronavirus. Due to coronavirus situation donations have significantly decreased and it is causing constant struggle. 
Also our costs for dogs that need help care have increased. Due to travelling bans few of my rescues are still waiting to travel to forever homes.
At the moment I am trying to provide food for a longer period of time at least for 14 days so I can sort out other things that are causing me concern and it is really urgent. 
Stabilising food situation is the most important so my animals can be fed and when I am sure that they have enough food, I can focus on organising transport for four dogs that are waiting to travel, improving conditions at the shelter and storing enough medications.
At the moment, we are in constant rush to buy food and I am constantly worried if we will have enough food.
Your help keeps my rescues safe, fed and healthy
 My dear, about 900e (without transfer fee) is needed to buy food for the full food order for 14 daya
There is a summary about the situation and why we are facing so difficult situation these days
🔵 due to coronavirus situation donations have decreased significantly because many supporters are affected by this situation, but costs have increased
🔵 unfortunately due to many urgent situations our costs have increased especially vet costs for Masa, Medo and other oldies. The vet visits the shelter few times a week in order to treat those rescues and vet bills must be paid constantly
🔵 there are many other urgent costs for deworming, anti flea treatments, disinfecting of the shelter etc not to mention regular monthly costs
What can we do? 
🔵 if you can help, please. No matter how small every help is welcome. PayPal or if you don't have PayPal use Stichting Save a Stray bank account or please use Western Union 
🔵 if you can't donate, please share, invite your friends to the group, write to organisations about our work, suggest ideas
🔵 help us to find homes for rescues that are available for adoption
🔵 we all make difference and everything makes difference. Promoting our work is equally important as donating 
Thank you for everything 💙🖤
Love and hugs
Dalida 💙🖤