Sunday, July 28, 2019



Shelter In Danger Due To Lack Of Funds

My dear friends,

There are so many appeals for help but I have enormous responsibility to my rescue dogs. Every month is tough but we have been facing huge crisis since middle of April.

I know that you ALL like reading positive and happy news from my shelter, but Usko's Nest is facing the biggest threat and issues since it exsists. 

Facing health problems of my parents, slow fundraising, ongoing costs, unpaid bills for April/May and even new weather problems, has totally made the situation difficult. 

 140 dogs and the best shelter in my country depend on my ability to provide help.  We also provide care for many rescues that have been saved with awful injuries or disease.

There are many rescues that need special vet care or medications at my shelter. All of them have been saved from terrible ordeals or abuse and they have been left with consequences. Some of them have had their legs amputated, some of them have been cured from demodex, eye problems, injuries. 

All of them are happy dogs now, but they need their medications and therapies all the time. Also there are many oldies, even those that 15 years old. our shelter is their safe place where they get everything they need and we must keep our good work because all of them. Days are passing quickly and bills are arriving and arriving. I can't provide food, therapies for those in need or mainlining of the shelter, if bills aren't paid.

Sending you lots of love and hugs and I will be sending you a full newsletter by the end of week. PayPal is still

Thank you and I love you all
Dalida 💙💙

1 comment:

  1. My dear friends, I am here again. I am sorry for being offline but I have really had few tough days. Sometimes all sad and bad things that I see overwhelm me but I know I must keep going because of my rescues 💙🖤 thank you for understanding me and all your help 💙🖤
