Monday, November 25, 2019


Dear friends I decided to make this album with my rescue dogs without sponsors.. And I want to explain a bit more about me, volunteering and helping animals.... 

My whole life I've loved and I've been helping animals as much as I can... In 2012 I started a non-profit organization to help animals cause back then the dog catchers were starting to kill dogs so I was hoping a non-profit would be able to change something... But I'm sorry to say in the town I was born in and in my country there is no justice for animals... 

There isn't any for most people either not to mention animals...💔 I don't want to talk about people now though... I sadly still don't have my own land where I would keep my rescue dogs safe.. 

When I rescue a dog who needs help I need to put him in a private accommodation and that costs 80e per month per dog... What does the 80e include.... It includes freedom, care and quality food for those 30 days... 

In Bosnia we have some cheaper pensions but I don't want to put my dogs in those cluttered barn like places where there is 10 dogs all in one pen and where they spill a bag of food onto the concrete and then whoever eats that day thats it... 

I would prefer to leave dog on the street before putting him there and then he can test his luck... 💔 I can guarantee for all my rescue dogs that they are happy in their accommodation and that's why I don't want to rescue then from one horror and putting them in another cheep horror... That's why I must raise and pay monthly 80e per dog.... for puppies are different prices of course... ( dependes do they go in pension or private foster) 

Anyone of you are welcome to visit from any country to come and meet me and my dogs... This year I had 15 visits for different countries and none of them had a bad word to say... And they were crying when they were leaving... Except that to them it was more than difficult to see the traumatized dogs rescued from Praca as it is for me!!!!!! 

Sadly the sponsors who told me to rescue them have given up on them... 😓 On one hand I understand cause it's not easy to pay for food and accommodation for a long time for dogs who will maybe never find homes cause I have no contacts for people who will adopt scared dogs... 

But it's not the dogs fault it's the damn dog catchers and the workers in Praca at that time who tortured them and killed them... They inflicted so much trauma and in Sarajevo I don't know anyone who works with dogs like that who can restore their faith in people... 

I have to be honest if I knew people would give up on them I would NEVER rescue them as now I have so much stress that's destroying my health mentally and physically... 

It's not easy owing money to someone and have that someone chase you to collect their own money... Also I pay for every pension via bank and I have proof where the money went... I do that mostly for myself so that I have proof whenever someone accuses me of something... If someone wants to see that proof please pm me... 

Sadly no matter how many good people there are there are many of those who are jealous and mean. But that's on them... I don't want to talk about them now... I wanna talk about the dogs who are without sponsors and who need your help... 

In this album there are photos of dogs without sponsors.... Some of the photos are from when they were living in Praca/ street and some are from pensions... 

Interested in helping a cat ASK ME, I have 50 who need you!

If anyone decides to sponsor some of them please pm with the name of the dog and I'll tell you his story... Where he was and where he is now and send you monthly updates... 

Please share this album and maybe one of these unlucky dogs will find a sponsor and won't lose his spot in pension... Once again I wanna mention that all of these dogs were rescued either from Praca, the street, or bad owners or even from rescuers who gave up on them... And I'm a fool who doesn't know how to say no.... 

Thank you to anyone who decides to sponsor any of these dogs and who share this album... And please no negative comments... Some of them really make my blood pressure go up and only I know how much of myself I give for these animals... My family is also suffering cause of this but they all understand as we all love animals... But they are afraid for my health cause I have rescued so many animals... 

Edina has been sick lately ....CAN WE HELP HER???

Anything you want to know please pm me and I will be happy to respond! 

Thank you all! 


go to and search for her page by her name: Edina Pasic


 Nelda L. Percival
copy pasted from Edinas facebook post .

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