Sunday, January 12, 2020


My dear Hazel.... ♥️
 I don't even know how to start... Hazel was rescued from Praca with her daughter Sadie 3 years ago... 2 years she spent in pension cause no one wanted to adopt her or her daughter cause they were afraid of people...

What does that mean.. When they were in Praca it was horrible there they tortured dogs and did who knows what to them... Everyone would be afraid... I felt so sorry for all of them but then there are some good people who decide to help me with adoption of the dogs who are afraid of people....

Many of them don't need a lot of time to get used to good... Hazel was adopted a year ago by a lovely family thanks to my dear Diane and Margaret and Janey... ♥️♥️♥️

But I got some sad news... Our dear Hazel was diagnosed with high ocular pressure and went completely blind.... 💔 She had glaucoma, really quick onset and despite trying their best they could not save her eyes... She was in a lot of pain and they had to get her to surgery...

I am crying while writing this and I am so thankful to Hazel's family that they didn't send her back to the rescue group cause of this but they stayed with her cause they love her so much... I have no idea what to say anymore... But this is those lucky dogs I rescue and raise money for their transport end up happily adopted... So please help me when you can so my animals can leave this country...

If she stayed here it wouldn't even be known why she went blind....

Thank you dear Margareta... Our Hazel left her daughter here in pension and she's been here for 3 years and she isn't wanted....

She's also afraid of people but not so much that she can't be adopted... She's as scared as her mom was and look at her mom today... Until someone sees her and wants her please help me pay for her accommodation and food... She needs 80e for January...

Thank you...PAYPAL IS:         just mark for Sadie...

copy pasted from Edina's post please help her and share this message!!


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