Saturday, December 21, 2019


Dalida Kozlic‎Dalida Kozlic - 

animal rights activist and rescuer

Admin · 52 mins ·

Living in the fear... I have always been too serious for my age but I have never felt such need to express my worries and feelings as in the recent period of time.

I think a lot about rescuing and everything we, rescuers, do. I have learnt that animals in need and rescues have one main thing in common. That thing is FEAR.

Stray animals have fear of being hungry, thirsty, injured, haunted, tortured and killed. They live in constant fear. Stray animals are exposed to unimaginable suffer. They can't find food or water, they are often sick, they can't get help they need, they don't have a safe place to hide from the bad weather, they don't have a safe place to sleep and they are chased by dog catchers and killers.

Rescuers also live in constant fear. We all accept responsibility for lives of animals. We are faced with suffering every day, but also we fight with fear. When we save an animal we are under huge pressure to provide her everything she needs. 

First of all I am worried about the health condition of the saved animal, then my worry is to provide food for the animal and keep the shelter running. Since I have a lot saved animals, I live in constant fear of diseases, injuries, loosing the shelter for saved animals because of money, veterinary bills.. we are under constant pressure to buy food, to find homes, to help other animals, to pay costs, to provide better care for animals, to find a good vet.. we are dealing with XXXXXX and XXXX veterinary inspectors.. our lives are the way from one to another stress, but it is worth every saved life.

We make the difference, we are the voice of THE voiceless. We have the best reasons to win the fear and those reasons are our rescued animals and animals that still need us. We save them from their fears and accept living in the fear to provide the best future for them.

Many people say that I am brave. Thank you for that  I don't consider myself being brave, but I believe that my love can win everything and that my aim can protect me and my rescues. 

There is no justice in Bosnia and because of that   ....we live in such "deformed" society, but dedication can do a lot and animals deserve our dedication.

from me
DALIDA wrote this in a post on her facebook page:

What she needs is some people to start monthly donations of a certain amount of money. That way she knows what she can depend on... just like we do with our pay checks.. It is a wonder she does not have horrible ulcers with all the fear this generates. the monthly donation does not have to be big just faithfully sent every month.  2 or 3 euros would do a great deal for her fear! if sent faithfully. 

please if you have twitter send this post there. I need a new account!! 

 NEEDS - straw, lots of it, food, lots of it, land payment 500 euros....medican and vet bills...

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