Saturday, December 28, 2019


from nelda percival
a concerned friend

Dalida worries every day that some how someway there will be no money to buy the items needed. ANDTHE ANIMALS WILL SUFFER!
please help her get over that huge worry... all she really wants is for the animals to survive, but more then survive to be happy and healthy and well loved..

She really needs help right now today/tonight!...right now!she does not have all the items needed for the amount of time the stores will be closed! So her rescues will be with out!!
please please can we send her something any amount she needs about 460.00 euros but it must be right now, all but in one or two days because the stores will be closed and the animals will go with out...

Dalida says this is what is worring her and what rescuing   has done for her parents...
from Dalida' post....I think that my parents won't be happy to see this post but I really want to show you how rescuing of animals and seeing so much suffering and atrocities as well as constant 24/7 work affects people. The first picture had been taken in 2013 and the rest of pictures were taken this year. These are mine parents. Yes.. the same people before and after 7 years.They take care of rescues and the shelter and they have seen too much suffering and sadness but none of us have given up and we are fully dedicated to helping and rescuing animals. 

However every time when I panick, I do that because I must protect my rescues no matter what and I do that because I have seen what happens when they are alone and unprotected.

As you can see all that affects even the way people look, imagine how we constantly feel. And once again thank you for all your help and understanding

from nelda, you all who have helped -- have saved Dalida's life...and even I thank you for that...

but she needs money right now the stores are closing if we can't do this then the rescues go without... please dear GOD please, help her now!!

donate at pay pal: 

thank you so much
Bless you!!

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