Wednesday, December 18, 2019


The Worst Year For Donations


Looking back at the different blogs made every month, You can see this pattern... that most people are not giving donations; and when they do it hurts their budgets. What is happening? Now it is WINTER and the rescues need even more money to help the strays. More and different foods, and straw to help keep them warm and if you have your own pension as Dalida Kozlic does, there is the utility bills and land payment.

I think about how cold it is here and KNOW it is much colder in Europe, because I have been there. I hate being cold, I'm sure you reading this do not like being cold either.  BUT, this is what is happening to all the stray animals...THEY ARE COLD AND HUNGRY! It is horrible being cold, but even worse if you are cold and hungry...That is what is facing the stray animals still out on the streets all over Eastern Europe.

You may not think that a couple euros would help a rescue pay it's bills, but if everyone would give just two euros  all the bills would be paid. Just think about it.. would 2 euros hurt your budget? Most likely not, but that is up to you.

 her new paypal account:


"Help for Furries" run by Miska Oksanen needs funds to keep helping the little rescues get what they need. 

She has a fund raising group:

They are running a raffle - 

Cats for some reason always struggle for sponsors, homes or even funding. Our cats are no different and we have a huge debt for simple things like food, shelter and vet bills that are left month after month struggling for payment. We have a lovely brand new cat tree to help make a dent in these bills.
Numbers are only £2 to marked CHRISTMAS x GO LOOK!



Then there is  Andjeo Sarajevo it is registered charity based in Sarajevo, BiH..This rescue is run by Edina Pasic.

She also has problems getting donations for cats, she has 50, I think she said once a few weeks back...all in foster care. plus all the dogs she has rescued! Again money is desperately needed!

While driving in the car, on the opposite side of the road i saw a tiny kitten sitting in a bus stop next to a busy road... 😓 We pulled over and I was instantly covered in cold sweat because as i was approaching the kitten, i was afraid that she will run into the road and get herself killed i was calling her to come to me and i crackled the bag of food and thank God she came.. she is so tiny.. maybe five months old.. she was waiting for something on that bus stop.. what that is, i dont know.. with all of my debt for cats that i currently have, i couldn't just feed her and leave her there, because i come across dead cats on a daily basis.. could someone sponsor this baby?... she needs 55e per month until she find a home 54e vet preparations 35e for neutering and gas and 40e for fiv/felv/fip test.... 184e is total she needs... PAYPAL IS: just mark tricollor kitten until she get a name ♥️

Just 158e is missing to close September debt for my 53 cats... who will help us with this 🙏 Paypal is: or PLEASE LETS RAISE THIS TONIGHT...PLEASE!

please consider helping her even if you gave 2 euros to each rescue I am asking you to help with that would still only be 6 euros...please everyone GIVE SOMETHING TODAY!



Now Dalida Kozlic, she has created  her own pension called Usko's Nest. Dalida is a lawyer and has been fighting for the life of stray animals for years...but she like all the other rescues needs help paying the bills.

Hello friends 💙🖤 thank you for your help to my rescues. We are focusing on food especially new food that I would like to order for my furry babies today 🙏 please help us to buy them something new and high quality food that will be better especially for cold days
Please use an option "send someone you trust- family and friends" 


Please join us in action to buy new quality food for rescues PayPal
Option "send someone you trust- family and friends

Admin · 4 hrs
 Kodi 💙🖤 as you can see he is happy and he has fully recovered after illness. Only thanks to your help we can keep rescues happy and healthy. We have so many things to do and finish because of holidays these days so please join us in our actions tonight 🙏 please 🙏💙🖤





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