Monday, February 10, 2020

Euthanasia- Usko's-Nest-Dog-Shelter

Usko's Nest Dog Shelter
Dead dog walking is literally a group to try to stop imminent euthanasia – of any kind. This group will be for dogs that have been signed off/going to- or in the euthanasia room!These dogs have no hope, no shares, no pledges no interest.

This is literally going to be a group for last ditch efforts to save the lives of innocent dogs. Dogs that have been entrusted to us by a higher power. A higher power that assumes we will use the dominion we have over animals in a kind/caring/innovative/nonpainful/non deadly way. Look at their faces – I know they wonder why we kill them. They can hear it, smell it and see the animals struggle and die.
Unfortunately, the idea of a kind and merciful people not corrupted and not misusing dominion--is for too many animals a farce.

We use the power entrusted to us and turn words -such as euthanasia- to sound as if it is a good death!

We redefine it -it is abuse and a abuse of power!. There is no euthanasia of well animals. There is simply mismanagement of the animal population and the consequent murder of healthy sentient living /trusting man's "Best Friend."(Makes a person wonder how we would use our dominion when faced with an animal that is not man's best friend!!).

This group all understandably hard and always.
1. The short time allotted
2. The number of dogs we do not save in time
3. The clock/the money/the power the shelters have!
Please feel free to PM me with other ideas to incorporate into this definition/clarifications/corrections.
Thank you, Sharon Arger

 Petra Heckmann!
Below, you will find information from the shelter regarding the different status color codes (red, yellow, green) and what they mean.
Color coded animals are currently on needs rescue page and are in danger of euthanasia.
The following categories have been established by the shelter:

🛑 RED - those marked status red are in imminent need for rescue and in danger of being euthanize if not picked up by a rescue. Contact the rescue coordinator during business hours immediately to facilitate pickup if you are interested in a red tagged animal.

⚠️ YELLOW - those marked status yellow are animals that can no longer be kept in the shelter given their current medical or behavior condition. These animals need a rescue commitment immediately. Contact the rescue coordinator during business hours immediately to facilitate pickup. Those in the yellow category may become red based on their ongoing condition.

GREEN - those marked status green are animals that have met their legally mandated retention period but have been deemed medically or behaviorally unadoptable. Contact the rescue coordinator during business hours immediately to facilitate pickup. Those in the green category may become yellow or red based on their ongoing condition.

Here is a directory by STATE

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