Saturday, June 6, 2020


Dalida Kozlic
written by Dalida Kozlic 
Why do Bosnian dogs need your help?

1) You will save a life. Sadly, Bosnian strays do not have the backing of large charities, and they depend on small rescue groups. So, you will be the sole chance for helping dogs.

2) You will help prevent the vicious dog business/war against the Bosnian authorities (they claim 250 euros for capturing and killing a dog despite an excellent animal welfare legislation. They break their own laws.)

3) Despite that very same strict and good Act on Protection and Welfare of Animals, Bosnian public pounds are far from high standards, and dogs are crammed in kennels and starved to death.

4) Having gone through such a hard life and ill treatment, many dogs are injured, sick or traumatised and rescuers need all possible help to help them recover. Since rescuers don't have any other source of fundraising, only your help saves lives of stray animals in Bosnia.SOME DOGS WERE LEFT IN THIS COUNTRY BY THE MILITARY, WHEN THE WAR WAS OVER...

5) You will raise awareness to the corruption and ill treatment of dogs in Bosnia, which can lead to members of your family or friends supporting or adopting the strays.

6) Bosnian public pounds and stray dogs are not humanely euthanised, but are often killed by beating them to death, or simply starving them despite the fact that killing of animals and euthanasia are criminal offenses in Bosnia. Also, many stray dogs are abused, tortured and killed on the streets.

You will feel better knowing that you have saved your dog from the hands of barbarians.
Please get in touch with us if you wish to to save the life of a dog.
If you are unable to adopt, then please consider sponsoring a dog.

WHAT IS SPONSORING.... the sponsor pays a certain amount of money per month to support the animal of your choice. It does not have to be the entire monthly amount, other sponsors can share the suport of the same animal. sponsoring really helps the rescurer as long as the person sponsoring is faithful with thier payments.

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