Thursday, October 17, 2019


Dalida Kozlic to Dalida Kozlic - animal rights activist and rescuer 
3 hrs
Living in the fear... I have always been too serious for my age but I have never felt such need to express my worries and feelings as in the recent period of time.  I think a lot about rescuing and everything we, rescuers, do. 

I have learnt that animals in need and rescues have one main thing in common. That thing is FEAR. 

Stray animals have fear of being hungry, thirsty, injured, haunted, tortured and killed. They live in constant fear. Stray animals are exposed to unimaginable suffer. They can't find food or water, they are often sick, they can't get help they need, they don't have a safe place to hide from the bad weather, they don't have a safe place to sleep and they are chased by dog catchers and killers. 

Rescuers also live in constant fear. We all accept responsibility for lives of animals. We are faced with suffer every day, but also we fight with fear. When we save an animal we are under huge pressure to provide her everything she needs. First of all I am worried about the health condition of the saved animal, then my worry is to provide food for the animal and keep the shelter running. 

 Since I have a lot saved animals, I live in constant fear of diseases, injuries, loosing the shelter for saved animals because of money, veterinary bills.. we are under constant pressure to buy food, to find homes, to help other animals, to pay costs, to provide better care for animals, to find a good vet.. we are dealing with corrupted and stupid veterinary inspectors.. our lives are the way from one to another stress, but it is worth every saved life. 

We make the difference, we are the voice of voiceless. 

We have the best reasons to win the fear and those reasons are our rescued animals and animals that still need us. We save them from their fears and accept living in the fear to provide the best future for them.

Many people say that I am brave. Thank you for that

I don't consider myself being brave, but I believe that my love can win everything and that my aim can protect me and my rescues.  

There is no justice in Bosnia and because of that we live in such "deformed" society, but dedication can do a lot and animals deserve our dedication.

please help Dalida Kozlic by donating at PayPal:

Hi, Nelda here... I have tried to figure out just how much is needed each month to feed the animals and keep the pension running about 1500.00 euros.. that is a lot of money but if everyone would donate an amount  then her bills could be paid.. 

one bag of 10 kg food=5.5 euros
➡️daily need is 8 bags=44 euros
➡️pallet of 68 bags=374 euros - monthly need

then there is vet bills ?? and land payments about 500.00 euros every payment. light and water bills and garbage removal.. gas FOR CAR going back and forth...

the ANIMALS  really need your help - - - WILL YOU HELP.. PLEASE ANY AMOUNT IS NEEDED!!


When someone asks me why I am like this... 😔
I was almost killed when I was 14 years old, when the hunter shot at me and killed a stray dog in front of me.
I still feel consequences of that attack. First of all I will never forget the scream of the killed dog and the second thing is that I have been dealing with rage for 15 years. I have found an article from our newspaper that was about killing of the dog in front of my house and shooting at me.

Imagine that after 15 years I are still being chased because of my legal and rescues work and fighting against hunters, corrupted authorities and dog catchers.
I would like that people know this and understand this. Saving animals is about animals but rescuers as well because if we are chased for no reason, we can't focus on our work, don't to mention costs of dealing with idiotism and loosing nerves and health.
I have more than 100 rescued animals; I fight in every possible way against torturing and killing of animals in Bosnia and Herzegovina; I fight against corrupted authorities because I know that my experience and my knowledge can help animals and stop this horrors. Every saved life is worth.
Every country has its own problems and when I read your posts, my dear friends, I see how many problems you have in your countries, but believe me you are lucky to live somewhere else but not in Bosnia. You live in countries where law means law and where you can protect yourself. In my country, when you fight for the right thing, you are chased as a witch. There is very dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
I love you all 💙🖤💙🖤



 As you know, I must finish expanding kennels by the end of the month. We have already started working. The most complicated thing was figuring out what to do and how. I am overwhelmed by organising works and really stressed so I will post the full update soon 💙🖤 but we will have more place for dogs and Usko's Nest will be even better 💙🖤

HER PayPal:

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