Monday, March 9, 2020




  because Miska will go anywhere she is needed to help!

Furries' family.
Our Family

Help for Furries is a support group, our main goal is to raise awareness and funds to help animals and rescuers all around the world... But... there is alway a but!! For various reasons we found ourselves with a pack of animals under our name.
A pack of animal that we promissed to help.
One way or another we are attached to them and we'll do whatver is in our hands to make their lives better, to make this world a better place for them.

We have fully responsibility in these 6 babies. Which means that we will be helping them, supporting them until they find a home.
We are a bit overwhelmed, Furries is very small group still.
We are a group to support other rescuers and raise funds and awerenesss and we found ourselves now, with our own rescue animals!
We'll love to keep helping the others, we'll love to show more support.
There are countless call of help we're getting... and with a very heavy heart we have to say " we are sorry" but our piggy bank is empty.
Somehow we feel guilty, these people relied on us in the not so far away past, and now because we took too much responsability under our small name we are obliged to say; No, we can not help you rightnow, we're sorry.

Maybe we made a mistake by taking in that many animals? But.. how can we just look the other way and ignore them when we know that no one else was going to be there for them?
It's a very tricky sittuation.

We don't have general funds to cover our animal expenses anymore. We are in a very desperate moment where we see that we can't handle it anymore..
But we have promissed to them that we will help, that Furries would be there for them and we don't want to fail as their previous owners or the life itself did!

Mr.Calcetines and Orion are in the same place as Violeta, but they are isolated because they are FeLV+ . They need help to get out from there and some help for their preparation. They are in a outdoor enclosure and winter is coming... As you know FeLV+ cats' health are more frail than normal healthy cats... We are worried they will not survive the winter there.

And Violeta, she's simply a cute and healthy cat that is looking to " regular " for the people to adopt her, she has been waiting already half of her life for her human to show up... She keeps dreaming...
The 3 of theam are in Granada, South Spain in Jarelas Sanctuary with 150 cats more. Cats are very good loocked after but they for sure could use more food... But the most necesary is a HOME!

Cats in Spain are invisible, there is no chance for a "regular looking cat " to get adoptd, maybe and just maybe if you are still a kitten you can have a chance! but as a grown up... their future in Spain is as dark as coal.

Please help Miska help these poor animals....share this message her paypal account:  indicate for  bills please!!

We are trying hard to catch up with fundraising for pensions and food.  Please could anyone get this started for January  February and March fees in order to help us to keep these animals  safe and fed? Anything will help!


Help For Furries is a group dedicated to helping stray, abused and abandoned animals, mostly in Bosnia and Serbia. We have animals directly under Help For Furries care but we also work closely with other rescuers helping them when and where we can. We have no borders when it comes to animals and no matter where in the world, we will help them leave behind the horror they are living.

We have several dogs and cats under our care and we are struggling to find the funds to keep them safe and fed and cover their vet fees. We have worked so hard and many of our animals have traveled recently or are soon due to travel to a safety of homes and foster homes. Until that we need to keep them safe and fed.

Treatment and conditions like this is why the animals need your help!

Some lucky ones have their own sponsors which help month after month out with their costs and we are forever grateful to these amazing supporters. Some of our animals however receive no monthly support, and sometimes very little attention, so this fundraiser is to make sure that they stay safe, too.
Some of our animals traveled to their forever and foster homes earlier already, but we still have some old debts animals have left behind, which we need to cover and since there is no silent day in rescuing, new ones of course come in need to be rescued.

We are now raising funds for January costs.
 Any amount helps, no amount is too small! Thank you for your help!

Dogs in our care that need fundraising:

Memphis 55 eur
Bailey 55 eur
Everest 65 eur
Manolo 30 eur
Urho 30 eur
Azur 55 eur

Meat for the dogs 100 eur
Dry food 383 eur
Advantix etc. 110 eur

Total 883 eur + Fundrazr fee approximately 26 eur 
equals 909 euros

Miska needs Feburary and March fees too... so please be as generous as you can be!

Abandoned dog found with glue in ears, legs strapped together, shot with BB gun in Oklahoma.. the USA this is sick

pictured here it is a shame that  this happened in the USA..


  soo sad...i'm so sorry dear dog.. so sorry!!

 posted by nelda...p

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