Saturday, September 14, 2019

August, September, October, fees

August, September, October, fees



Edina Pasic 54e is still missing for August pension for dogs... :( For July i raised for cats.. but now i must somehow raise August and September.
Dogs and Cats........

 We are on our way back from the Praca pound where we fed the dogsnin that "shalter" and just now I saw this tiny thing from the car... 💔 

the little ball of fluff who's probably just been kicked out... alone and starving... it breaks your heart... Her life is in danger because she's by the road... a car will kill her or maybe Praca will take her... 

 I don't know which is worse...  

my August debt for the doggies is still 44e plus the entire September... and how can I leave her, I cannot... and she's limping on one leg on top of everything... someone's probably kicked her and she's tiny and vulnerable... please would you all help me rescue her... 

she needs a sponsor for her accomodation & food, help for the vet costs & vaccines and tests 😞 please let us all help this little thing too 💔 

PAYPAL IS: just mark for fluffy girl...


Edina Gets new Dogs and Cats Almost Daily. Edina's heart can not just walkaway from an animal in need... CAN YOU... I CAN NOT! Here is one she just got:
Little girl who was running around the dumpster next to a busy road today looking for a piece of bread to eat was rescued... Her name is Gladys ♥️🐾 She weights just around 6 to 7 kilos and I think she's around 7-8 months old.. Honestly there are no words to describe how I felt while she was jumping up and down from happiness cause she saw us and that was all happening right next to that busy road... I was scared that a car will hit her right there in front of my eyes and she was afraid at first so she didn't approach me right away she was just wagging her tail... Such a sweetheart... When we put her in a transporter she went to the corner of it so afraid and as if she was begging not to be thrown put again... Thank you all for helping with her costs so far... We still need to raise 99e plus 20e for her haircut....PAYPAL IS: just mark for Gladys.


WE think how hard to just leave the animal ... HOW HARD, IT TEARS YOUR HEART OUT OF YOUR CHEST, you shake and bawl and cry so hard you can not see to walk away... SO YOU BEG OTHERS TO HELP YOU!

Edina Pasic to Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia

Little Polly survived the amputation... This tiny 3 or 4 month old is a very brave girl... Something shattered her leg there was bone showing, it was very infected and there was a lot of pus... She needed an amputation urgently so that she wouldn't become septic cause the injury was old... It was a risk doing the surgery but it had to be done... She's a big fighter in a small body... She was full of ticks... Only she knows for how long was she helplessly laying in the grass begging to be rescued... She got her chance and she didn't want to give up on life... For her surgery vaccination and pension and food I need to raise 165e more... I would be very thankful for any help...PAYPAL IS: just mark for Polly

 Edina Pasic
Little Polly survived the amputation... This tiny 3 or 4 month old is a very brave girl... Something shattered her leg there was bone showing, it was very infected and there was a lot of pus... She needed an amputation urgently so that she wouldn't become septic cause the injury was old... It was a risk doing the surgery but it had to be done... She's a big fighter in a small body... She was full of ticks... Only she knows for how long was she helplessly laying in the grass begging to be rescued... She got her chance and she didn't want to give up on life... For her surgery vaccination and pension and food I need to raise 165e more... I would be very thankful for any help...PAYPAL IS: just mark for Polly

EDINA NEEDS ABOUT 2,500e per month for both CATS and DOGS when you donate say monthly bill for either CATS or the DOGS but please please help her!!!



will be about the same for cats and dogs in September... I will go ask Edina for correct information be patient... I'll be right back! her facebook page URL:*F*F-R&eid=ARBPL0V7XwBtHx_yLW_2udUJeyeV2emndGXOifOkupDmPobhF3qHYSq3Gnx5EWeXwufguRHdZIyr78p0&tn-str=*F

Goodnight from our dear Milo... Today really wasn't his day as the weather changes really affect him... We all love him very much and hope that he'll be ok 😔Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow and we wish you all a good night... Please pray for our brave boy ❤️ Thank you all.

I can not list all Edina's Dogs and Cats but go to her facebook page and read!!
 her facebook page URL:*F*F-R&eid=ARBPL0V7XwBtHx_yLW_2udUJeyeV2emndGXOifOkupDmPobhF3qHYSq3Gnx5EWeXwufguRHdZIyr78p0&tn-str=*F

please send/donate money  at  ..PAYPAL IS:

thank you... nelda...p

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