Monday, September 30, 2019





I can't believe that it is this hard to raise money for the accommodation and food debt for my rescue animals who have been in pension for years... 😥

It's not their fault that no one wants to adopt them and that they are afraid of people... Sadly many of those who promised to help them when they were supposed to be rescued especially from Praca are now just gone... Apart from my rescues I have many of those who lost their sponsors.... They no longer even ask how are they...

I would be happiest if all my animals would get homes and didn't need sponsors for long time.. 

I am trying my best and I am asking all the people who can help with homes, but it takes time there are so many animals and it's not up to me  

I would love if my rescue animals stayed in pension 2 to 3 months just until they're vaccinated, neutered/spayed and then travel to homes/fosters... But some are in pension for years.... But i know their lucky day will come.. just take a lot of time  

Please don't leave them only to me, and don't leave me with all these problems with pension owners as pension owners are losing their patience and I am afraid of the worst thing that can happen and that is that they will be thrown out after everything.... 

I tried everything but my posts simply aren't being shared and there is no help... I can't raise money for the dogs that I raise for every month and I have no idea how to raise for those who lost their sponsors.... 

1224e is missing for September pension debt for dogs without sponsors and 

880e for 11 dogs who losted their sponsors as they are afraid It's just a very bad situation that I am in and I am simply losing my mind.... 😢 

plus I have AUGUST debt for my cats 2245euros...  

plus transport debt for dogs what alredy traveled and I never raised funds... that is: 1580e and  
debt at the vets 1510e

bills i will get this week,  I really don't know how to find solution for all this... 

Its huge amount of money 😥 and local people from my town don't stop to send me photos of animals who need help and I can't help anymore 😥 

Can anyone please help me with this PAYPAL IS: 
just when you donate please mark what you ARE donatING FOR......  
1. pension dogs debt, 
2. pension cats debt, 
3. vet debt 
4. transport debt )

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