Monday, May 18, 2020



The animals need food....Pressure is huge: Bubi isn't well, Mass is getting more therapies, the deadline for the rate is today, 

The rate fee was raised... thank GOD, now food is the most needed but she has bills too!

I must buy food and pay bills

Dalida needs 200e for food for the rest of this week and 800e for food in total until the end of the month.

 She loves to feed them and watch them eat!
 One bag of 10kg is 5.5e plus we also need special vet food, salami bread canned food

                                       If the food order isn't paid I won't be able to take food tomorrow I need the money today...please at least the 200e for the rest of this week....


Dalida needs 150e for the vet's bill

Oh I hate the winter, it is so hard to get donations. Money that is needed to keep everything working correctly! And no one wants to give even when they know just how desperate you are...


 Dalida, really has done a wonderful job with this dog shelter. But she needs a steady income she can depend on... I wish one of the famous  people (movie stars, singers... what ever)who say they love animals would adopt her and her rescues. she really does need that steady income.


Please so the dogs can eat .....  donate money to her at: 

 Dalida Kozlic -donate here: PayPal:

we will be so grateful for what ever you can give...please

Normally I help but I screwed up and gave out my banking data and had money stolen from my account... so i can't help right now!

It is killing me, I am so scared that not enough people will help.. please help her!


thank you so much


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